विक्रम संवत् 2071 - Hindu New year || 31st march 2014


हिंदू पंचांग के अनुसार इस वर्ष 31 मार्च 2014 को विक्रम संवत् 2071 का प्रारंभ होगा।
माना जाता है कि इसी दिन सतयुग का आरंभ हुआ और भगवान विष्णु ने मत्स्यावतार लिया था।

ज्योतिर्विदों के अनुसार इस बार वर्ष का राजा और मंत्री दोनों चंद्र होगा। इसके चलते स्वास्थ्य सेवाओं में सुधार होगा और लोगों को आरोग्यता मिलेगी।

वित्तमंत्री मंगल होने से राजनेताओं और विद्वानों में मतभेद का योग बनेगा। सूर्य पर कृषि मंत्री का जिम्मा होने से कृषि मिश्रित फलदायी रहेगी।

ज्योतिषी श्यामजी बापू के अनुसार मीन लग्न और मीन राशि में नवसंवत्सर का प्रवेश हो रहा है। जून के बाद व्यापारी और किसानों को शुभ समाचार मिलेंगे। जानिए ज्योतिष की दृष्टि से यह साल कैसा रहेगा-
तुष धान्यानि नश्यंति मेघों वर्षाति माधवे।
प्लवंगे पीडि़ता: सर्वे भूमिकम्पों भवेत्कवचित।। 
अर्थात- प्लवंग संवत् में भूसे से निकलने वाले अनाजों की फसलें नष्ट होती हैं। वैशाख मास में ही वर्षा हो जाती है। अत: खाद्यान्न की खराब उपलब्धता के कारण कष्ट होता है। कहीं भूकंप संभावित है। वर्षा मध्यम, चोरों से जनता परेशान रहेगी। आतंकवादी घटनाओं में वृद्धि होगी। तूफान, बवंडर आदि प्राकृतिक घटनाएं भी बढ़ेंगी। सरकारी विभागों में तालमेल अच्छा रहेगा। पेयजल का संकट कम ही रहेगा।
पं. ओम वशिष्ठ के अनुसार विक्रम संवत 2070 'पराभव' 30 मार्च को समाप्त होगा। नववर्ष 30 और 31 मार्च की दरमियानी रात 12.14 बजे लगेगा।

नव वर्ष की शुभकामनाए ||

Vikram Samvat 2071

Vikram samvat 2071 will begin on 31st March 2014 i.e. Chaitra shukla pratipada. Most of the people throughout the world either follow the system of the Georgian calendar or English calendar. But in India, we follow the calendar system based on the Hindu traditions, which is known as “Vikrami Samvat”. This calendar is based on the movement of moon and is widely followed by a large number of priests and astrologers in India.
What is Vikaram Samvat?

Samvat is a short form of the Sanskrit word ‘Samvatsar’, literally meaning ‘year’. This system of Hindu calendar was started by King Vikramaditya and hence it is known as “Vikram Samvat”. Vikramaditya was the king of Ujjain.

Structure of a Hindu calendar

The structure of a Hindu calendar is very interesting. The lifetime of the universe is known as “Kalpa” which is further segmented into period units known as “Manavantra”. Now, each Manavantra have various set of four yugas, namely Kretha Yuga, Thretha Yuga, Dwapara Yuga and Kali Yuga. The present era is known as “Kali yuga”.  Each yuga further comprises of a number of years or “Samvatsars”. Samvastar is also a time period in which the planet Jupitar moves through one sign with its average speed.

The four Yugas
Following is the number of years constituted by each Yuga –

Name of the Yuga   Number of calendar years

Kretha Yuga        17,28,000

Thretha Yuga      12,96,000

Dwapara Yuga      8,64,000

Kali Yuga              4,32,000

The numbers in the Hindu system are based on the Shaka System. And the numbers in the Shaka system are the variables which depend on the first year in which the Shaka was started by an emperor. But irrespective of fact to which Shaka the year belongs, the names of the year always remain the same. Since Samvatsar is the yearly movement of Jupiter within one zodiac, it might be at a varying distance from Earth at times. So, while transiting in the zodiac, it is under different celestial influences during a cycle of sixty years.

*Content on the basis of personal knowledge, former published work by different authors, and holy books of sanatana dharma.

Vikram Samvat 2071

Vikram samvat 2071 will begin on 31st March 2014 i.e. Chaitra shukla pratipada. Most of the people throughout the world either follow the system of the Georgian calendar or English calendar. But in India, we follow the calendar system based on the Hindu traditions, which is known as “Vikrami Samvat”. This calendar is based on the movement of moon and is widely followed by a large number of priests and astrologers in India.

What is Vikaram Samvat?

Samvat is a short form of the Sanskrit word ‘Samvatsar’, literally meaning ‘year’. This system of Hindu calendar was started by King Vikramaditya and hence it is known as “Vikram Samvat”. Vikramaditya was the king of Ujjain.

Structure of a Hindu calendar

The structure of a Hindu calendar is very interesting. The lifetime of the universe is known as “Kalpa” which is further segmented into period units known as “Manavantra”. Now, each Manavantra have various set of four yugas, namely Kretha Yuga, Thretha Yuga, Dwapara Yuga and Kali Yuga. The present era is known as “Kali yuga”.  Each yuga further comprises of a number of years or “Samvatsars”. Samvastar is also a time period in which the planet Jupitar moves through one sign with its average speed.

The four Yugas

Following is the number of years constituted by each Yuga –
Name of the Yuga
Number of calendar years
Kretha Yuga
Thretha Yuga
Dwapara Yuga
Kali Yuga
The numbers in the Hindu system are based on the Shaka System. And the numbers in the Shaka system are the variables which depend on the first year in which the Shaka was started by an emperor. But irrespective of fact to which Shaka the year belongs, the names of the year always remain the same. Since Samvatsar is the yearly movement of Jupiter within one zodiac, it might be at a varying distance from Earth at times. So, while transiting in the zodiac, it is under different celestial influences during a cycle of sixty years.

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